Vol. 3, Issue 4, Part B (2019)
Clinical profile of patients with proximal tibial fractures
Dr. Goutham G, Dr. Mahesh Kumar Reddy V, Dr. Abhinav Gandra, Dr. Suhas BD and Dr Tarun Jayakumar
A basic understanding of the mechanism of fracture production has always aided in the treatment of specific fractures. Tibial plateau fractures are usually caused by high velocity trauma causing valgus or rarely varus force with or without axial loading as in road traffic accidents (Bumper fracture) or fall from a height. Valgus loading in the range of 2250 to 3750-inch pounds produce “mixed†fracture with large variation in the amount and the degree of joint and condylar disruption. This study of surgical management of proximal tibial fractures was conducted in the Department of orthopaedics and during study period, 30 patients were treated for proximal tibial fractures were treated by open reduction and internal fixation with buttress plate and LCP. Out of which 4 cases lost for follow up. All the required data was collected from the patients during their stay in the hospital, during follow up at regular intervals and from the medical records. 30 cases of fractures of the proximal tibia were treated with plate osteosynthesis. The follow up ranged from 6-24 months. Males were predominant. Majority of fractures were due to Road Traffic Accidents. The average age of the affected patients was 40 years. Most of the fractures were closed.
Pages: 119-121 | 1909 Views 228 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Goutham G, Dr. Mahesh Kumar Reddy V, Dr. Abhinav Gandra, Dr. Suhas BD and Dr Tarun Jayakumar. Clinical profile of patients with proximal tibial fractures. Nat. J. Clin. Orthop. 2019;3(4):119-121. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33545/orthor.2019.v3.i4b.190