Vol. 3, Issue 3, Part B (2019)

A comparative study on outcome of maintaining Bohler angle & Gissane angle in the treatment of calcaneum fracture: A retrospective analysis


Dr. Chandra Sekhar Pradhan, Dr. TSK Gupta, Dr. Atanu Mohanty and Dr. Sibasish Panigrahi

Background: Calcaneum fracture is the most frequently injured tarsal bone of human body. It consists of 2% of all fractures, out of them 70% are intra-articular fracture.10% injuries are bilateral and 5% are open fractures which leads to high potential for disability. Best treatment option is always controversial. The aim of our study was the management and outcome of these fractures by maintaining angles like Bohler’s angle and Gissane’s angle by either conservative or surgical method.
Objective: To compare and evaluate the outcome of calcaneum fracture by maintaining Bohler’s angle and Gissane’s angle of calcaneum by conservative or surgical procedure, taking into account, the post management outcome, complications, and the AOFAS questionnaire.
Material & Methods: This is a Retrospective study design, where a retrospective study was carried out on 60 patients at SCB Medical College from 2015 to 2017 of which 20 patients were referred to SCB OPD from peripheral centres with old calcaneum fracture & who did not received any treatment for the same. Rest 40 pateints with calcaneum fracture were intervened of which 10 had bilateral calcaneum fracture. For statistical method: Chi-square test was used. P value was calculated to determine the level of significance.
Results: We have achieved good functional outcome with AOFAS score of 78 as compared to 62 of control group by trying to restore the angles of calcaneum by interventions. (Conservatively or Surgical)
Conclusion: Surgical or conservative management of calcaneum fractures according to types of fractures by maintaining angles like Bohler’s angle and Gissane’s angle gives good functional results.

Pages: 90-95  |  2137 Views  386 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Dr. Chandra Sekhar Pradhan, Dr. TSK Gupta, Dr. Atanu Mohanty and Dr. Sibasish Panigrahi. A comparative study on outcome of maintaining Bohler angle & Gissane angle in the treatment of calcaneum fracture: A retrospective analysis. Nat. J. Clin. Orthop. 2019;3(3):90-95. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33545/orthor.2019.v3.i3b.166